Friday, May 4, 2012

School is almost over!

Guess what?! school will be over in about a week!
can you believe it?

P.S. This is my really tall tower. The person looking up at it is a visitor. the tower is taller than me, and as tall as Katie.


Patty Burchett said...

I love your towers, Luke. You are always so creative.


alannkathie said...

Wow Luke, can't believe school is almost over. You've done a great job this year. Guess your teacher is pretty good.
Love the things you build. That tower is amazing. I can't believe Aunt Michiyo didn't knock it over. Who finally did?
Enjoy your last week of school.
Grandma N.

Anonymous said...


Ruth Burchett said...

I'm always wondering, Luke, what you're going to build next. You're an amazing young architect. Keep up the creative ideas. Grandma B