Friday, October 28, 2011

Fun, Fun, Fun!

Guess what!  We got to go to a pumpkin patch!  It was really, really fun.  When we got home, we had to wait a week to carve the pumpkin.  It's name is Jack-O-Lackin'.

We also went to a place called Deanna Rose.  The picture above is me and my sister petting a goat.

In this picture, is me and my Grandad.  I am holding the fishing pole while my grandad is baiting it.

In this picture, I am fishing.

In this picture, I am getting a worm.

Guess what!  I got to feed a goat.  It was really fun!

Monday, October 17, 2011

My Imagination

These are some pictures of something called "Space Colony Ark" that my sister and I made.  It was really fun.  We pretended we went up to space.  The first picture is a control and buttons.  The second one is some buttons that make the rocket do things.

This a house I made from Lincoln Logs.  It was really fun.

This is me and my sister.  The thing in the middle is a house that we built and it was hard.  The reason why we built it was because we usually have really bad snow storms in the winter, so this can provide shelter.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Old Fashioned School House

These are some pictures of an old fashioned school house.  I am a cowboy.  It's not just a schoolhouse, but it's a whole town.  On the first picture, the boy with the brown shirt is my friend, Ryker.  On the second picture, I am in recess playing hit the loop. And it was really, really, really fun!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


This is my blog. I am very excited. Please post a comment. I'll write about things that you will like.